6:01 AM. The wind is blowing through my curtains and making the blinds crash against my window. My eyes slowly opened. I lay there for a moment, slightly paralyzed from my nightmare. The last thing I remember was falling, falling into a gray churning ocean.
6:02 AM THe vampire entered my room. I am pretty sure he bit my neck.
6:03 AM Yes I am sure of it now. I see the crimson scarlet dark cherry color drip onto my beautiful white 200 thread count sheets.
6:03:45 seconds AM- shi fuh. Now I have to wash my sheets. Good thing I bought a brand new LG red washing machine with matching dryer with front loading capabilities. It even handles bulky loads so maybe I will throw in some towels too.
6:03:50 seconds AM - wait...why the fuh am I thinking about washing things! I have been bitten. I am now immortal.
6:40 AM oh no I fell back asleep...the venom has completely taken control of my body. Well, unless I am drunk. Because somehow I am flying through the sky. I do not remember even pulling my blinds away from my window. Gosh they are annoying.
7:00 AM - I quite enjoy flying. These new bat wings that sprouted from my back feel amazing as I soar across lakes and fields. People look like little ants.
7:45 AM - I feel very refreshed after my morning fly. But enough about that, I have to be to work in fifteen minutes! I hope people do not notice my fangs. or my bat wings.
8:00 AM - I touch down in the parking lot. shloop...my bat wings suck back into my body. oh good, now I can avoid those awkward conversations. but I have another problem, I'm....thirst. yeah. thirst.
8:01 AM Good thing the soda machine was right around the corner. I bought my Sprite. It was still cold and dripping slowly with condensation. I tap the top 3 times with my finger..tap tap tap. I slowly lower my hand to open the cold beverage, excited for what is coming...which is my coworker. I hit him on the head and stash him behind the machine. mmm lunch.
12:00 PM - I come to. What happened??? Everyone around me is dead. Blood is oozing onto the floor. I count at least 15 bodies. I walk down the hall, the carnage is everywhere. The horror. The horror. I look down and my stomach is bloated from the large quantities of blood I consumed.
12:30 PM - This is when things started to get weird. I had to hide. I jumped in my silver volvo and sped to the airport. I bought the next available flight to Italy. I MUST find the Volturi. Oh wait....nevermind, that stuff is not real. duh! I must find another solution to my vampiric state of being...after I eat this fat guy.
2:30 PM - Well that took longer than I thought. He was really really fat. anyways...I remember this movie I watched. The whole world had become vampires and they were running out of blood so they found this guy who stepped into the sun and caught on fire then jumped in some water and bam. Human again. This has to be real. This is the only way I feel that I can save my soul. I need to find a cross roads demon to confirm this story.
3:00 PM - Luckily, Sam and Dean were right around the corner. They always know where to find crazy supernatural stuff! Its like they are....hunters. So they took me up to the Wells Fargo building where I would have maximum sunlight. I can feel my skin lighting on fire. I jump into the Great Salt Lake and....
5:00 PM - Slowly my eyes open. I am in a suite. I see "Grand America" embroidered on one of the pillows, I slowly turn my head to the side, Dean, laying next to me, turns and cradles my head in his large hands. *Snuggle* "Are you okay baby?" he says softly. I was so worried about you.
5:01 PM This is it. True love. Really. We decide to celebrate our love with a bottle of champagne and an episode of The Hills. Those crazy kids! Can you believe Heidi? What did she do with that face!? and Justin Bobby....I think Dean and I will name our kid that. Even if its a girl.
5:29 PM: Dean uses the bathroom.
5:29:30 seconds PM- I am missing Dean. I change the channel. Stephanie is so stupid.
5:35 PM: Dean is still in the bathroom. I knock and ask if everything is okay.
5:35: 01 PM - "yes dear, I am ok."
5:40 PM: Dean is still in there. I hear a knock on the door, I look through the peephole. Its sam! "Get out of there!" he shouts, "It's not really dean! Its the trickster!"
6:00 PM - Luckily, I carry a gigantic wooden stake around in my pocket. Never know when its going to come in handy. I took care of that Trickster....for EVER! Wha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I am tired from battle. I get a drink of water. But it does not quench my thirst. I thought I was cured from Vampire-ism! But my bat wings are gone...what is happening?!?!
6:01 PM - omg! oh noes! suddenly everything is swirling together in a black mist, I am turning in circles! everything is blending together, slowly everything dissolves and I am falling...falling....
6:02 PM - And I land in Zac Effrons arms. THIS is what I really wanted..what I needed...a handsome man to love me and not lock himself in the bathroom all night!!